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adjustable tidal volume
Giving patients a precise volume of air is not easy, but with a turn of a wheel you can restrict the Butterfly BVM’s maximum air output to match your patient’s needs. Follows Broselow and Handtevy groups and comes standard on every Butterfly BVM model.
By restricting tidal volumes to safer levels, the risks to patients of hyperventilation are reduced.

variable pop-off
Worried about barotrauma? Our PIP dial gives lifesavers unprecedented control over the pressures that they deliver to patients without the need for a manometer.

accessory ready
The Butterfly BVM is ready to adapt to complex scenarios by receiving standard PEEP valves, filters, and ET-CO2 detectors while also fitting all standard patient interfaces.

internal O2 reservoir
Do you hate the bags that hang off the back of BMVs? We do too. That's why we've engineered the Butterfly BVM to deliver a ≥90% blend of oxygen without an external reservoir.
the science
"The Butterfly BVM exceeded the Ambu Spur II in delivering appropriate Vts and in keeping PIPs below target maximums to simulated adult and pediatric patients...."
Tidal volumes delivered to an adult manikin by participants using an Ambu Spur II adult vs the Butterfly BVM. The green dashed line indicates the low, threshold Vt (4 ml/kg) for a patient of the stated size (70 kg), and the red dashed line represents, the max threshold Vt (8 ml/kg) for the same. *p < 0.01, 99 % CI (278 ± 8.69) ml.
Tidal volumes delivered to a pediatric manikin by participants using an Ambu Spur II pediatric vs the Butterfly BVM (set to the pediatric Vt setting). The green dashed line indicates the low threshold Vt (4 ml/kg) for a patient of the stated size (2 yr old child, 12–14 kg), and each red dashed line represents the max threshold Vt (8 ml/kg) for the same. **p < 0.01, 99 % CI (278 ± 8.69) ml.
Number of failures (out of 1880 recorded breaths) in which participants delivered a peak inspiratory pressure above the target. Of note, there were only two failures when participants used the manometer-free Butterfly BVM
(each of which was less than 0.5cmH2O above target) in contrast to the higher failure rate, and higher failure values associated with use of the Ambu Spur II.